
google fight but recover a

The Xiao cold ice heart feels some discomforts, because the Xiao cold ice knows, the decision of the eldest brother is regardless the important decision meaning that help, all has into a pass to black Long Bang or a world this time;The Xiao cold ice also worries once the Long Bang member helps a challenge to the top-class black world, or carries on revenge to some nations, afterward fruit meeting how, will can't let the related nation fall into disorder, cause world's also sinking into one disorder, with as for is finally unmanageable.
Week ambition truly and sea vast sky and Long Jia Shi gold Long Wei then was full of intense emotion, early had already canned not born a nothing exciting gold Long Wei in recent years, is really too anxious to carry out the task that I will soon arrange earlierly,Facebook.My body form appeared in the slight vibration in the air, the public vision also concentrated in my body.
Signal hint public don't be over-courteous, I sat down to say:"Make you stay this time, I think that you should thought of my meaning?"It is a little bit public to nod, didn't talk.I continue to say:"Xiao cold ice, you recently a period of time inside must arrange the protection achievement that good Long Zu and Feng set's member is good gold group dragon to make.Certainly, a day before schooling begins, order airplane ticket for all members, gold group dragon's affair again big, also need not you to leave, all return to school!"
I took a look the ambition in week truly, the sea vast sky and Long Jia say with smile:"I hear that the woman of eight Qi countries is the most gentle and soft, the eagle country is as the most coquettish as the woman of rice country, while the woman of idea country is the most romantic, your you's company measures for a while now, dichotomous set, one by one in order go this a few national tours for a while, grow.However playing the woman never hold up important event!"
Was public to smile to smile, I immediately after said:"This several government top brasses of nations I don't think very much on TV again see them.As for this several nation of underworld influence, I want don't also doesn't matter;Certainly, if they are us as a friend, we can not refuse they, either of a long distance outside;However they also get first to take out some gift what of, suppose kill off their sworn enemies, secretly send to their government top brass God to go there can also, in fine, your safeties are the most important, task over don't become hereafter there is still opportunity of!"
Week ambition truly and sea vast sky they finally and definitely knew that I let the reason that they stay, though an in advance have been already guessed, but from my mouth in speak, they were very still excitements for a while.The week ambition is truly strong the excitement enduring heart to sink a voice to ask a way:"Childe when acts?Still have, take part in act this time of only have us how many persons?"
I looking at the ambition in week truly the appearance of no time for waiting to say with smile:"Is all person who soon does father, a temperament is still a true Yao was anxious!?"Tone on turning, I positive color way:"Certainly, I am just an affair to arrange to you, as for the hand problem is decided by yourselves by you, my dragon's helping medium brothers can all have ambition youth, have no you to see worthy of a lookly?However we this activity hand is to don't be too many, because we are to do cutthroat, not real challenge!"
Week ambition truly they smiled to smile and had me this sentence, his Yao he can adjust to use a gold Long Wei member, by so doing they need not worry hand enough not enough problem, because the week ambition truly has already decided to leave the problem to the government top brass of those nation and those nation.
The sea vast sky stood this time and looking at me to simple and honestly smiled to smile:"Host, have an affair me and the week ambition truly concealed you ……" I ordered to nod to say:"Sea eldest brother, you and the week eldest brother is dry quite good, do I still think how to thank you!Make me come out so much Long Bang member more a while, and still is all elite, am I still happy too late!"
In fact I am also listen to the report of Hui son, just the field finds out there from the Shao soldier of news concerning"Long Jun", three battle cent brigades, 1000 people of each cent brigade, and still is all special kind soldier whom the Xuan Yuan retires from the army, main force strength like this get there seek!While at the beginning hearing this news, do I also really think that shouting in front to carefully inquire while signing sea vast sky is some kind of!
The sea vast sky roars with laughter of keep on sitting, I didn't blame and scold him, returning the vast sky has already felt very happy, having never thought me will think greatly of "Long Jun" whom he establishes all alone thus, and the sea vast sky is really a bit smug.I took a look the ambition in week to truly say:"Long Jun altogether many 3,000 people, sooner or later want to bring us in the country of Xuan Yuan troublesome.Week eldest brother, I think that the sun and moon island in nowadays is their best whereabouts, as for later affair, let's say again when the time comes."
The week ambition truly smiled to smile:"I am having this idea, government in the sun and moon island is conscripting, they got to sun and moon island up, but government in the sun and moon island really appreciate of soldier!"Week ambition truly and so on saying, I can not help some move, if these people really became the soldier whom the sun and moon island appreciates and truly beat a point with their ability and the week ambition, memorial hall come not difficult control sun and moon of the military power of island, by so doing, the sun and moon island must is captured by my Longs Bang sooner or later, so the country of Xuan Yuan can not fight but recover a sun and moon island!
Thought of here, I endorse of took a look the ambition in week truly, the Xiao cold ice also inwardly doesn't already nod, he still keeps seeing sea vast sky will work thus for the first time, and the week ambition truly and unexpectedly can have great foresight for the future thus!I have no morely ambition of endorsing the week truly and sea vast sky, but directly say:"Tomorrow I will leave CS City and left for to visit male noble family early in the morning, at male noble family also however delay for a the twoth, then I will go to each place of place to see everyone to play Gao isn't happy.The hope then don't let my disappointment!"
Week ambition truly and sea vast sky they stand up at the same time:"The childe trusts!We definitely play well!"I smiled to smile:"Like, so.You thoroughly play in the hotel tonight, early in the morning tomorrow start acting, as for the personnel assigns, sea eldest brother and week eldest brother play by ear by himself/herself."Finish saying, I left a blue sky hotel.
The Xiao cold ice a person alone drives to go home, gold sedan dragon slowly drives at spacious of street up, Xiao the mental state of the cold ice very gravamen quiet, he doesn't know his own viewpoint exactly is to or wrong, but he always feels the ambition in week truly and gold Long Wei left for to make reprisals those nations that come to cause disturbance whether excessively.
In fact the Xiao cold ice should is able to come out by himself/herself mistake area of, but positive because Xiao the heart bottom of the cold ice too docile, just limited his development, otherwise, the Xiao cold ice completely can rush through super week ambition truly with sea vast sky, because Xiao the intelligence quotient of the cold ice is high, the Xiao cold ice after all once was subjected to good education and taught to his knowledge to me, the Xiao cold ice definitely controls of wanting and comparing the week ambition be truly as much better as sea vast sky;Probably, time grew, Xiao cold ice by himself/herself is can think truths in it.
There are still several geniuses schooling begins, so Hong wild goose and orchid son didn't go together with me, I also knew that they are opportunity to intentionally live alone for male Sun Yan 's dance providing with mes, at that moment don't order to break as well, make them invite for me when the time comes false for several days, I am frightened could not return a school before schooling begins.
Little elder sister Yun and snow maple know that I left for this time male noble family O.K,cnn. says, just after having ever been to male noble family, I still need to go to"visit" severals the government top brass and underworld eldest brother of the nation, therefore they always feel to can not help worrying, repeatedly after company measures, say so much toward me bad say, don't at last and not make Chen Qiong follow me can not.
Because male Sun Yan 's dance still needs to return to a school to have a class of, again say Mr. fixing of Sun Yan 's dance for also not enough good;But Chen Qiong although cultivation compare a night, Chen Qiong because is the body of purple Feng, with abundant resources, fix to unexpectedly become an of Jiao Jiao for unexpectedly residing afterwards ascending, at many females in.There is Chen Qiong that follow me, little elder sister Yun feels much rester assured and says four females of Hui son again to be not an easy to handle main son either,google.
The plan saw the superior of those about 100 male noble families before leaving CS City at first, but they have already left CS City and was male Sun Yan dance arrangement, Hong wild goose for the sake of conciliation in the middle of protecting dead male noble family's superior, through Mr. Sun Yan danced of approval, prepare 1,000,000 bereavement pays for the victim's family members respectively, directly expenditure make them bring back.
I some regretses in male Sun Yan dance the help to me, this oneself is a kind of concern with Related articles:

