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Wang Bao saw Li Wei look extremely solemn and serious ,his heart is not followed up ,dr dre cheap,if Li Wei still smiling .That is ,if like before such expressions ,means that things will become very serious .
relationresultDonknow where to confidence ,Wang Bao for some not proceed with the knot, always looking for Li Weilai to consult ,perhaps Li Wei was in two when the camp successfully predicted the 1942 five one sweeps and established according to the ground after often presented subsequently proved very far-sighted recommendations that Wang Bao has been found ,do not look at the things at sixes and sevens no less dry guy ,actually resourcefulness may not in his arms .
relationresultA lot of trouble ah here to keep in the northeast to the Kwantung Army appeared in North China ,it is not a good thing ,the Kwantung Army comparable to those of inferior to hybrid security forces difficult more, in no way inferior to the South who battle a force on the battlefield ,they have 516 and 731 these two wicked home forces ,make urgent the eye directly to a massive plague and cholera of what, with everyone playing eggs ,but this is not a big thing ,before the birth ,belong to these biochemical weapon is invincible .
relationresult? Wang Bao Li Wei views of tension .relationresultsa small team appeared is too unusual ,we first need to understand how the East ,North China military presence ,this requires immediate superior to verify ,at the same time, please pay close attention to the Northeast Army comrades dynamic ,it can not only involves Twelve teams according to us ,this means that even the war in North China the changing situation .
Li Weiyao shook his head ,history has never army advanced south south the Kwantung Army if really ,I the Anti-Japanese War history will be overwritten ,it is difficult to imagine now is played as a stalemate, exhausted all Chinese manpower of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party do to resisting the about one million recuperate and build up energy for a long time, armed to the teeth the Kwantung army .
relationresultTerrible,terrible ,Li Weiyue wanted to mind more and more uncomfortable .relationresultWell ,I report to superior , Wang Bao also heard the more surprising, as Li Wei said ,the Kwantung Army dynamics can not only involves twelve team ,but also relates to the battlefield ,he hastened to call its own communication soldiers: Xiao Li , relationresultTo the , relationresultTo the command request will be urgent ,Kwantung Army at present the latest information to an application for the northeast ,the contact together with the comrade of the Kwantung Army will survey departments to assist south north area reconnaissance so-called identity a Japanese Kwantung Army detail .
Single to twelve division intelligence network most relates to the twelve teams according to the area the most detailed and timely ,and relates to every corner of North China ,also need with superior departments and the other according to team specifically targeted information sharing .
relationresultThis love Tu village Kwantung Army team, will give you solve ,Wei ,you have no confidence , relationresultAnd brother ,must let them be completely destroyed . Li Wei grabbed the old pumpkin with grilled several, and turned to walk away ,North China area stronghold on individual combat force ,counted twelve division team ,Li Wei is not afraid of anyone to ,this group fighting powerful Japanese had aroused his ambition ,four and enemies ,have a look who is the real strong .
relationresultThese damn Jap I house ,feel irreconcilable hatred for sb. This is revenge ,wings and twelve division team thoroughly node down .relationresultThe tablefilled with still a chopstick untouched food bowl a jingling sloshing against ,Wang Bao up ,eyes become dull .
relationresultHesuddenly jumped up, rushed to the office door ,shouting : you are a dead guard ,steal me chicken , relationresultWang Bao wasslightly more than just the band the devil behind Tu village ,serving bowl that desktop greasy chicken take wings to itself ,but Chen Jiayao gives Wang Baoliu and vegetables.
, relationresultTheloud roar ,half a camp to hear .relationresultPraise the booty ,and soft and fragrant oil , relationresultIt isgood to let the boy for ;relationresultThe 563rd Festival , relationresultLocalfield to the chief ,Beats By Dre Diamond,Li Wei can wait to criticize the king ,a beautiful finish chicken thigh to four issued by a build-up of orders, but also to five to several people to strengthen a fire ,can use bullet solution than the melee ,Fan Guowen this boy is Li Wei.
An amulet ,offer oneself to also follow Li Wei .relationresultSeems to be inreprisal for the Tu village action ,Li Wei pulls the gang left team camp a few days later, a retaliatory killing a dozen on the black list of the enemy stronghold ,and do not leave a captive ,each Tu a strongholds left the body packing to Baoding ,can think of the peiping-hankow railway line BaoDing Railway Station to see the full wagon ghost body ,those damn Japanese soldiers do expressions .
relationresultLi Weisexual behavior than even directly destroy Japanese soldiers have deterrent force ,the North China headquarters feel embarrass ,Empire of Japan imperial army was damn earth eight way to slaughter Jizai dog as with train leather full body back ,would result in Okamura Da Zuo pumping face, north peace area of the face where? He face where? , relationresultBy twelvethe Li Wei team to come back to the Baoding headquarters the Da Zuo was angry commander Okamura on the phone to call a pour dog for three hours straight ,calf to be behind the soft ,http://www.monsterbeats-ol.com,sweat soaked, only hi hi to be with, put the phone down hands are kept shivering ,he almost thought he also with the Sixth Army .
Not sit hot ass ,as soon as you have to step on the predecessor ,but commander Okamura finally gave her the opportunity to own quel maledetto treno blindato ,sent troops to destroy the eight road .
Save the imperial army to face .relationresultLi Weifour is fine fine ghost ghost ,in the vicinity of the militia and partisans under the coordination, nocturnal, avoid the Japanese and puppet troops eyeliner ,often out appears in the most unexpected location ,kill the traitor ,destroy ,awfully .
Met with small groups of Japanese and puppet troops directly destroy .Have a big stock enemies quietly around .Let off the gas cut them to stamp with rage .relationresultLi Wei,but he is not stupid ,how could so easily as an enemy may ,moreover ,he had not played enough ?relationresultHa ha ,flower girl without fear to flirt with women ,it is up to eighty .
Down to eight years of age are not willing to let go ,traveling to pedestrian was not seen a ghost pretended not to see far away to bypass .relationresultEven if there areother Japanese soldiers saw seemed to be accustomed to such things ,and also as a civilian the shunned ,in Baoding town such publicity domineering afraid not many people can have so big of courage .
relationresultHa ha. Girl. Girl a beautiful Japanese girl toward Shangdi while the other warriors ,if not pretend for opening this kid, I cheap really let this boy to account for to .
relationresultThe city of Baodingare mostly Japanese ,the Chinese sees this battle .Early frighten run no shadow .Also just not get confused .relationresultYou ,it really is .As sultry, secretly held Fan Guowen the kid down the soft meat .
Remind this guy is accidental ,if touch, old and ugly would lose ,it is in a cocoon around oneself .relationresultBe installed simply fitted like a little well ,Japanese girl is certainly pick pretty cheap ,it does not account for the white not accounted for ,which like you hungry ages eye ,full Avenue as the eagle and chicks and wild ,for fear of the world into chaos .
When this task is simply feel just like a fish in water ,easily stop .relationresultBack talk? , relationresultDamn it ,it is village group to those guys ronin is cowering in the corner
,see these lawless Japanese soldiers like mouse saw the cat ,was born several back unconvinced of ronin pick on village group of soldiers ,who covered with killed soldiers may be not Related articles:

