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Younger brother?"Luo easy his bait, he believes that handsome pottery Tang absolutely can't refuse, he has that one or two hold.
But he still kept a little bit underrating handsome pottery Tang's wisdom and ability, handsome pottery Tang Shuang Yan a tight, way:"Luo lord in the island has what rubbish please keep saying."
The Luo easy at heart is one Lin, know that oneself a little bit acted precipitately, drive just of**covered up other viewpoints, he was steady own steady emotion, very quick the instauration came over, was a very self-confident way from displeased:"The since handsome elder brother picks the affair clear, that at under is not bothersome either, if at under tell a handsome elder brother, water Qiu 100 kill isn't a main personnel, his back still have more huge influence, does the handsome elder brother believe?"
Handsome pottery air Tang ordered to nod very formally, didn't talk, he once had the viewpoint of this aspect as well, didn't see water Qiu 100 kill, he also doesn't dare to make sure, don't know that this Luo easily is how can anyone know.
Luo easily sees he nod and continue way:"They are bought, an influence greatly took up a post to all want amount of Dian to give or get an electric shock to measure whether the they sufficient weight provokes of influence!"
Handsome pottery at heart Tang wildly shakes, is already to seem ready to come out to the answer in his heart, in addition to imperial government, what influence can not provoke?
See to plan to still succeed!Secretly rejoicing in his heart is to kill many people, can their activities aren't the visions with emolliently drew on imperial government?However, water Qiu 100 killed to when become a courtly person?Don't know that the imperial government still has in the lake at the river how much person, if the number really makes people more hard believe, so their affairs' returning is really a little bit difficult.But, once his brain turn, nearby not is have a ready-made cooperation personnel?He believes that Luo easily isn't so simple of come to tell he these of, unbearable way:"Has Luo lord in the island already known these people?Luo what cleft does lord in the island also have with them?"
Luo easily and lightly shook to shake head, with lowly not ability again low orotund way:"The handsome elder brother probably still doesn't understand in the next influence, a business combination of our Su Hang from in morning sun island, the real strenght isn't very big, but we really a little bit rub with imperial government, that because we received gold stone and Qian cloud to help."
The handsome pottery shakes again in Tang Xin, this time he but arrested big fish, originally he just knew this young island lord is from Su Hang, can absolutely don't thought of that they have something to do with gold stone and Qian cloud helping to fasten, if the cooperation that really can get them, believe a rightness have no for teach absolutely is great a day opportunity, don't know as well drive what was fond of intelligent, he even didn't thought of, Luo easy of whether words can believe.But he is unique now think of be how in this time, the easy body ascends to get more advantages from Luo.
Really don't know, if he knew to is what Luo easily betrays them to imperial government, and whether he can also have this mood to easily talk these problems with Luo.
"Does Luo Dao Zhu hope how we cooperate?"He presses down he to wildly jump of heart, simply keep voice of even slowly can be still hard to cover up voice in of one silk joy.
Is secretly funny in the Luo easy heart, if the world really has a so cheap matter, they the morning sun island have already done, can also wait other people to divide one cup?This handsome pottery Tang doesn't know drive just of the affair fought of fainted a head, or had confidence too much by himself to him, difficult arrived him will think that he can control a morning sun island?
He thoughted of here and suddenly thoughted of a better cooperation method and saw the anxious appearance of handsome pottery Tang, he knew this time is exactly put forward of good opportunity.This plan may have some unwillingness, but thought of to have no for the circumstance for teaching,beats by dre australia, and the attraction of oneself, believe to have no for teach in, regardless what person, will have interest to the gold stones in the oneself's hand!
Contain a corner of mouth on putting on a meaningful smile, way:"See come to handsome elder brother is sincere, at under have a proposal, see if the handsome elder brother can accept."
Handsome pottery Tang Dao:"Though say, what affairs the all good company measures."
"The handsome elder brother also saw these people of my under charge, although said be not what superior, believe in river's lake to still have a little weight of, let them join have no in order to teach, don't know how the handsome elder brother thinks?"He seems to think that the language wasn't astonishing to die endlessly.
Handsome pottery facial expression Tang certainly one Leng, have a little to make don't understand of looking at Luo easy, if this method true implementation, his handsome pottery Tang basically don't think, that gold stone and Qian cloud help is not have no for teach of?So good affair why be had no in order to teach the stand how to ascend, not other persons?He certainly start having a little awake, the so big affair isn't the decision that he cans make.
"Does Luo lord in the island really have this meaning?" He still really doubts of inquire about.
Luo ordered to nod easily and very formally, way:"This certainly, but, I have some a condition, don't know if the handsome elder brother wants consideration?"
Handsome pottery Tang Xin in don't know as well why, unexpectedly have the felling to grow to loosen tone, as long as you have a condition, so the affair does so much, otherwise still let everybody to doubt their words.
Luo easily smiles:"This affair of course not is so simple, you are good friends with to consider so much some kind of, we aren't the influence with preparation either, at have no drive before exterminating, certainly be a little bit guarding against.Can the affair for guarding against, at under hope and be had no for the help for teaching, believe that the handsome elder brother should has mental preparation to this, we probably help of isn't a lot of, but on money, believe to still a little bit use!"
Handsome pottery Tang has been hoping of is his this sentence, their having no for teaching so for a long time don't make in the public situation how much , can he also most know, want to a little bit achieve, there is no money, that be really what matters all do don't become, he can meet Luo for himself several people to easily and so feel joy.Particularly make him happy BE, this what ghost of morning sun island, so several individual, certainly, some affairs aren't what he can know either, have some an affair, just too uncle Sheng Ce know, or, and a few key figures' personnel knows, that is the ability not drive public, their person is gone by the jewelry at Su Hang of the person beat a fallen petal flowing water, more important, they are betrayed by the person of morning sun island to imperial government, this handsome pottery Tang Bing knows these rights of the cases now, at the same time, he to the relation that easily several individuals of Luo go with jewelry not just and very clear, therefore, to the affair of cooperation, equal of satisfaction.He sees the easily good elephant of Luo have some to worry, hurriedly way:"This affair invites Luo lord in the island trust, at under can solve, as long as lord in the island really promised to join us, believed up can't have what doubt!"What he said is affirmation very much, also really have a little afraid Luo easy they suddenly changed idea.
Luo easily wanted to think, oneselfs all felt funny, however, he still has to a lot ofly worry, he doesn't know whether this handsome pottery Tang knows the affair of the Hang occurrence is at Su, because still have a person have never grasped to come to hand, be at they nearby foolish very long-term seedling Wan Ying.This woman may become their only stumbling block, but not just consider the time of this problem now .
He is to generously order to nod very much, way:"The since handsome elder brother has this right, my under charge can join right away now expensive teach, become expensive teach of person!"Almost say stem and then do, 2 people all a little bit worry the long dream of night is many, they all feel good mind, just don't know an end who is a big winner, or, 2 people all have already miscalculated!
Luo the easy viewpoint is easy, in the his hand the person in nowadays, also are evil to teach for only 22 days of original comer, this time, this method, or is really a good examination way, see he exactly whether really want loyal to toward he, as long as at have no for teach foolish lead a period of time, believe their original shape and then will present, regardless is what result, seem to all have no much loss to the him and the morning sun islands.
The Tuo pulls out more seem don't have the air of objection to the Luo easy arrangement, they regard as Luo easy words all Imperial decree to carry out.This pours is be subjected to handsome pottery Tang very much of like, he didn't thought of, in the oneself's hand for a while many so many can use of the person of top, with his taste, certainly discovering the real strenght of these 22 people is all very average, oneself or can pick up next two person, but three above Related articles:

