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The bureau decided to push "two play one star" to establish an aviation work so like those early years committee to push the development of aircraft industry.The king just allowed a reputation chairman, was allowed a director by vice premier Nian and had a total material department commander member of minister, air force, people sail bureau the bureau chief and senior aviation expert's etc. took part in.The coordination work that now vice premier Nian points before pulling Sa to manage is today just managed to convene a working conference in person by king, subject is strengthen battleplane of develop and produce to adapt to front of demand.At this time, people sail bureau the bureau chief is already served as by the vice- commander member of original air force.
It is first made collective report self-defense by air force commander member to counter-attack war in the damaging of battleplane circumstance.The war is ruthlessness, even if a square, who win, will also pay miserably heavy price and certainly be like the United States to strike against war like that in Panama to want excepted.At open hostilities of in two weeks, my air force's war merit is extremely considerable, in the air battle with 164:258 far away leading, is destroying 180 to print machine at least in the attack to the ground, the antiair troops shotted down 69 again.In 50 years produced 12 air heros again, among them, the super air hero set to shot down 9 records of enemy's machines.But the our army altogether also lost 218 battleplanes, and because the starting out of weighed battleplane had great capacity in the early years, the long range attacked of the task is many, certainly also with beginning the experience shortage of the war relevant, Jian-11 serieses, flew leopard and Jian-10 new Rui battleplanes lost 172.Jian-7, Jian-8 losses are opposite smaller, they mostly undertake to defend warnning task of area or intercept mission, and the function also had the exaltation to show Zhao.Pay a , this price for the sake of the victory of beginning war is also worth.
However the result is also very serious, the our army new Rui battleplane lost 20%.And hard make up, the report of material department points out, an opened hostilities in the purchase regiment of Russia to immediately put forward the huge purchase of a whole machine, motor and turbine list.But Russia promise to consign 20 Sus in a month after balance-27, 10 Sus-30, 4 Sus-35;60 set AL-31s and motors AL-37s;100 turbines.Not Russia doesn't want U.S. dollar, any nation can't maintains the system of mass-producing the already sets battleplane at peaceful period, either, if don't fight and no one buys this to make air force greatly disappointed, this is still not enough to add the losing, don't even want to increase.Certainly the production factory of our country must also open then enough horsepower can let these motor, turbines pack the whole machine.
"Usher in" "from grind" sophisticated weapon still keep always being a rigorous problem to a big country.Usher in the growth that can accelerate military power, Su-27 buy, the air force's air battle ability "get instant results" significant promote.But develop advanced battleplane this foundation is at us not deep nation, will be a very hard and endless process.But once facing large-scale war, even if is India doesn't calculate too strong opponent like this, and provides the goods the company to still maintain neutrality on the whole and have already produced a thus serious problem, make have to the General appear publicly to solve,beats by dre studio.It is thus clear that, if to the words that"usher in" to attain to depend on degree will worst.Like after the our country key figures can wide awake ground to know to this problem, particularly was a king to just govern, is also the national product that threw in huge manpower and material resources to push forward to weigh type battleplane to turn.Su-the power supply, electricity system of 27 series battleplanes already gold battery dragon reform and lose weight, and promote the function of electronics equipments, and already their fly to control procedure to transplant a domestic computer.These are all counter-attacking to get repay in the war.
The airplane production group in Chengdu and Chen Fei made collective report the production circumstance of battleplane, total come to say that the fuselage has already completed the preparation work of applied magnesium sodium metal alloy, the extension of production line also already basic completion.Jian-11 serieses and Jian-the production key to 10 battleplanes still lie in a motor.But the motor then don't exert like person's idea:
-The FU AL-31 motor national product ushering in turns the model number WS-12 and had the progress of breakthrough on the technique in August, last year and developed to adopt microwave combustion-supporting, etc. ion to generate electricity, the electromagnetism vector push the B WS-12 type of dint control motor, new of the production line have already produced in the April hurl, 5 have already attained the level that the month produces 40 sets by the end of the month.Because Jian-11 serieses and Jian-10, the Jian bomb-the 7 Ases all need the type of motor, far and far can not satisfy the air force's need.The second production line's anticipating can throw in to try production for 7 the end of the months.
-The AL-37 F and Jian ushering in bombs-7 As up.Can the function of significant exaltation battleplane.
The biggest problem is a heat turbine to be imported from Russia, was subjected to restriction now.Have no turbine to have no motor, have no motor to have no battleplane, situation so rigorous.The meeting launches a discussion for this urgent problem first.
The air force is very dissatisfied to this, think that the production orbit that the whole production system of aircraft industry didn't transfer wartime comes up.This kind of yield condition connects to add to consume all not enough, now the air force's advanced battleplane at continuously reduce.Jian-the battleplane distance of 11 serieses is far, therefore can use rear airport, all of flexibility and thermodynamic power strength are that the other models Be hard to act fors.Jian-10 and fly all of leopards are new generations battleplane the flexibility and thermodynamic powers is all very outstanding, an our army new generation main battleplane, originally we could pass a true war of large-scale usage backlog experience, study a new military tactics.It is frontier conflict to superficially win to print frontier self-defense to counter-attack a war, actually is a limited war of high strength.BE limited by geography, the heavy type of the our army tank, big caliber by oneself howitzer, heavy type the antiair guided missile car Be all hard to ship to front line, therefore the dependence of ground troops to air force's thermodynamic power is very big.Currently army eldest brother elder brother to we still calculate satisfied, if this continues, soon we are about to receive scolding.
The king just pointed out that we will never ability drive the self-defense backstroke fights early victory confuse, that because have Pakistan of lead long to make, we again have suddenly assault first a hand, print a soldier just suffer heavy great damage.The loss of the our army isn't small either, if want to keep the stroke of high strength, aftertime's loss also increases.The true war taught us, the master weapon could not depend on a foreign country, and a very small turbine blocked us.Is Russian impossible the large-scale extension production line is for the sake of us, if ceased fire tomorrow, we didn't buy, how does he do?Our science and technology the personnel is very fantastic, machine body and"brain"s of new style of battleplane all have been already solved, "heart"-the motor also solve one greater half, and still have innovation, parts of functions exceed our teacher-Russia.The problem concentrated in a turbine now, on being a material, two is process.Please the Hong city of assistant Qin organization metal material professor expert, Zhang Guo Qiang, and the magnesium sodium metal alloy set male Doctor and Wang of the porcelain steel item set after great Gao Gong these top of the expert offend a pass, I believe to definitely take down this heat material.Want to mobilize the material research of whole country and on trial of strength great cooperation, speed progress.
However this was also the business of a few months empress.Still need to solve the allotment problem of these motors at present, in a month we can get 80 set ready-made motor, using 120 turbines can assemble 120 set motors.How assign to the Jian-11 series machines and Jian-10, FBC-1 A?After discussion, think that the Q-6 has the best effect in the attack of mountainous country, and need not fuel, the efficiency wants Gao De Duo, temporarily need not assemble to fly leopard.And the Q-6 is developing a warship to carry a type, navy aviation the soldier and warship carry an allied brigade of machine dispensability one part to also acquaint with first.100 set motors assemble 30 Jian-11 IIses and 20 Jians-11, this is already to test very greatly to the production ability that flies, particularly Jian-11 IIs, the difficulty is very big, but it can act as Jian-7 with Jian-8 of in command of machine, raise an air battle efficiency.Still having 100 sets can assemble 100 Jians-10, is not small either towards becoming the pressure flying.
Under the test of this high strength air battle, the battleplane of our army also Tu now 2 slices of a little bit bright, those are the Jian-7 Ms, Jian-8 Ms and Q-6.Ji Hong, who becomes to fly, accepted a general manager to bring good news.
Airplane factory Jian in Chengdu-7 reformation factories
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