
Beats Detox self-educated of do

The dint will have spirit motion, the sorcery chemical element collects the spirit of time and space in will send out attribute ray of light, but the strength of Cang month is what characteristics all have no, unless he wants to make the other people see by himself, otherwise even if he has already coagulated all strength, the outward appearance looks still peaceably similar.
"Doing not go was still too weak, I wanted to become stronger, strong to can cope with the assassination of saint area top-class superior, strong to can defeat a mainland one superior thunder cloud son!"The idea for persisting reads next, the strength in the Cang month body along with his intention in addition quick operation of speed, and slowly reform body of Cang month in the unconscious.
The person of Cang month rides right away, but the mind completely sink to immerse at the process of feeling strength growth in, he under of war horses feel the pressure on the back more and more heavy, imitate its Duo of Buddha knight to just and gradually become to°from the meat body a megalith, steel.
Left month's recent vice- team of Cangs to grow and discover a month of Cang of different.
With half an eye go up, the Cang month seems what didn't do, he was to steadily ride on the horseback, the body slowly rises and falls along with the step of the horse son.But the vice- team of elaboration is long to cautiously see go, discover team that he see long is no longer that team originally long.
The team grows have no gesticulate intentionally, on the body also didn't send out the ray of light of any power Dou spirit, but it happened that gave the pair the team to grow a matchless and heavy pressure.
Seem the teams was long to by now become an of mountain, it grew the vice- teams to produce a kind of illusion that is looking upwards Tashan, look in the eyes looking at Cang for month,Beats Detox, seem at visit lifeless Tashan general.
Month of Cang of slightly rock every time, at pair long eye to team in, seem Tashan at the quiver, pair team long imitate a Buddha have already heard Tashan will collapse of bellow.
But under the Cang month of war horse, the step is more and more heavy, the footprint is more and more deep, the speed is more and more slow, seem to be each time to walk the one steps all want exhaustion whole body of energy.
Gradually living to fear in the long heart to team in the pair of, the war horse of Cang month cans not away with general pressure in Tashan any further, a sad cry, two the hoofs kneel to pour on the ground before, Pa Pa 2 broke.
But Cang month, but as if nothing has occurredly float from the horseback bottom, steadily fall in the ground.
"This horse has been already discarded and give it a happy!"The month of the Cang looking at to lie on the ground the war with sad cry top a horse, the noodles has no facial expression ground to say and receives the Mou son of black fog slowly geologic change to return to original kind.
A close Wei knight turns over a body to dismount and pulled out sword to chop in two the neck of fighting the horse, a hand pulls horsetail and dragged along it to a wayside.
That close Wei knight who cuts to kill to fight a horse will his sat to ride to render up Cang for month, oneself and another knight together multiplied by a to ride.
Changed the Cang month of horse don't dare to carry an achievement on the horseback any further.Just those are some kind of luck achievements,cheap dr dre beats, the strange strength in the body strengthened 100% enough to spares again, he feels he have been able to use with all strength now"five Yue Cuis" in of two recruit.
Certainly this returns to just keep an estimate, if don't account result ground words for making moves, use three to recruit with all strength is also can.
The estimate that shines on Cang for month, three recruit"five Yue Cuis"s make moves of words, even if being a saint area the superior will be also beaten powder body ground bone, deal with a saint area the superior as follows, two recruit all right already.
The month of the Cang doesn't know of BE, if his bewitching emperor if all of the demon dint recover, "five Yue Cuis"s should have a kind of what kind of destructive power, don't say that in all the world no man ability enemy, even if is this space's those existence at the legendary absolute being, also perhaps isn't his opponent.
Only the Cang recovers month now of bewitching emperor demon dint-that not well-known different race strength, and he previous incarnation 1% don't arrive just.
Pair the team is long the promise is virtuous-Si tile the month of Xin Ge-Cang at be up the team of sixth regiment long behind, his Zhao enter the palace guards was his/her own vice- team long-curiously ask Cang for month:"What did you just are doing?How to well give° a best war horse to overbear?"He still has a question don't speak,Beats by Dre Just Beats, that be why the Cang monthly meeting give him the oppression feeling of a kind of Tashan sort.
The month of the Cang saw promise virtuous one eye, lightly say:"What didn't do.That war malnutrition horse, bone soft, oneself fell flop, don't close my business."
Promise virtuous Song shrug:"Would not like to say even if, however I can tell your BE, the other people probably can not tell your it's different, but I can see come out."
The month of the Cang surprisingly saw promise virtuous one eye, suddenly converted a topic:"I say that you are somehow a knight, again is my vice- team long, how don't take sword, on the contrary hang a bamboo flute?"
The promise Be virtuous to satisfiedly say:"My ideal is to become an excellent musician, music is also my favourite, can beg for beauty at the same time joyful ……" suddenly again become depressed, "the regrettable father would not like to send me continuing education in the college of music for entering emperors all big college, his expectation to me is the nobility that can become a brave knight and nobility, not 1 in addition to move back and forth musical instrument what all can't of musician.My playing skill is still self-educated of, don't deceive you to say, I is usually arrive emperor all does the university college of music audit, say theory knowledge, the not exactly compares the student of regular college of music to differ.H'm, I will play seven kinds of musical instruments, bamboo flute, small, Matouqin, organ, banjo, violin and shelf drum ……free can together study for a while."
The month of the Cang ha ha a smile:"Calculate, I to music completely ignorant."
The promise Be virtuous to sigh tone:"The understanding friend is little, the bosom friend is less ……since your conduct and actions saw, you are just a for the sake of the person who acquires Gao Wei's stop at nothing, naturally impossible with music this art produce sympathy.But you at big palace in the imperial palace on it happened that sing a so detached big-hearted poem again, I ain't and deeply to more and more see you ……"
"If with literally and then can make you see through, take a brigade that now of isn't me, but you."
On the morning of December 19, 3829, the second orchid thou Si Li's Cang month leads palace guards sixth regiment emperors leave fire cloud all greet the fifth day of Iceland princess, get into fire cloud empire and Iceland Kingdom hand over boundary of Luo row city.Slightly the troops matter rests whole after, the in file prepares to greet the Iceland Kingdom that will soon arrive princess outside the city.Accompany a month of Cang of and also have Luo the governor of province of the row city and a do pregnant nobility and municipal services with a position officials.
In the afternoon 2:40, the Iceland Kingdom is paid tribute a car brigade to appear Luo row city outside of archduke road up, Luo the military band of the row city moved to ring to welcome of song.The month of the Cang took governor of province and nobility and the officials to far and far face up.
The Iceland Kingdom serves as the long gram of Lao promise of Kingdom bodyguard of this convoy task to also drive a horse to wait person to face to the Cang month under the escorting of close Wei knight in more than tens.
The bodyguard who is responsible for a convoy grows and the team that is responsible for accolade after being long formally meet according to practice introduce myself some kind of, then the false earth's surface show long heard of your great reputation for a while, give advice or comments, finally the Cang month is in the gram under the accompanying of Lao promise, take an officials to pay a courtesy call on a princess.
Although the Iceland Kingdom is just fire cloud empire to belong to a country,the princess is after all a princess, on the Class still compare Cang the month wait a person a lot of tall of, particularly the wife whom the princess will soon become a thunder line for day, meaning again Be getting more different.
The month of the Cang waits the outrider that the person arrived a princess and dismounts in succession, the gram Lao promise is in front of the wagon Ju Gong-although the wagon door is closing of, princess at in could not see, the appearance still needs to do to do of, otherwise be waited on to tell one form with near the princess of brigade, that is the misdemeanor offense.
"Princess' his highness, fire cloud empire palace guards sixth round and round captain Ni promise-Si the viscount hold sixth regiment government troops and Luo row city the governor of province wait person to come accolade."
The wagon door slowly opens, the true character of Iceland Kingdom princess exposes in the public in front and was Cang to see pure for month the princess' looks behind, suddenly all over an earthquake, in the mind a burst of acute pain ……

Chapter 46 beginning sees/reunion(two)

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