
beats by dre pro oid being seen varie

Immediately the knife spirit spreads since then!Chen Xiao feels left-hand shoulder a painful, later on that Sen however of the strong breeze wipe own body to take everything away ……

Bomb!!Almost is the side wears body of at the same time, Chen Xiao clearly saw the power way of the shot of the other party!

Is strong!

Isn't generally strong!!

This knife absolutely seems with numerous knife spirits and coagulates together and constituted an impact wave general!!

Formed a storm whirlpool of fearfulness.Wiped Chen Xiao's body to bump in the past, the sleeves of Chen Xiao Di's left arm, also have him the clothes on the shoulder be immediately musted smash by the aftermath Jiao of knife spirit!Chen Xiao Zheng the arm all bared and spread all over a small blood scar on the skin!Each blood scar's imitating a Buddha is mown by the sharp Rui machine to break generally!!!

But hear bomb of a ……

After death this party hall ground behind of distance, the knife spirit maneuver a ground of positive direction, originally is an a per person used to do exercises in gymnastics to use many highland wood the person was face to face shot by the knife spirit to accidentally, immediately in a burst of jangle turn to make numerous ground sawdusts!!

Then hear bomb of a.The knife spirit mercilessly sweeps at the wall of behind up, incredibly the wall of the party hall ascend mercilessly"Wan" a circular of have the circle of two meters the pit about the diameter!!

An astonishing knife of old headman inside the bamboo such vehemence, although the shot is empty, martial skill like this, in addition to old farmland, Chen Xiao still really has never thought this in the world and someone can make!!

Chen Xiao's look in the eyes immediately a change.He spotted old headman after one knife end up in nothing, seeming the vehemence is immediately weak three cent.He the body in quick bow, then abrupt however greatly drank 1!

Legs emolliently and mercilessly Deng at ground!Great power under, Chen Xiao's body as if immediately a shell generally and mercilessly bombed up!

Old man inside the bamboo looking at Chen Xiao to rush toward, immediately and quickly push away half to tread, do power desire to split!

Can Chen Xiao's body is empty in the half, but sudden waistline mercilessly one Ning!

Action like this, the ordinary people can not do out at all, because of loins strength like this far far above the normal person's extreme limit!But remarkable talent Chen Xiao, who fasten to the strength, comes to say.Action like this but completely can bear!

Loins of abrupt however a twist.Make his body empty to incredibly can change posture in the half!A knife of the old man inside the bamboo almost was sticking his tip of nose to pare in the past, the edge of knife of sharp iciness almost touched the tip of nose of running into Chen Xiao up!Arouse a per of suddenly and violently Li.

Chen Xiao the uncanny Ning body that gets empty in the half avoids being seen of action.Let the old man in the bamboo of facial expression immediately a change!

But Chen Xiao already almost stick last the in front of old man inside the bamboo!Right hand Zuan tight fist, sudden one sinks a waist bow back and toward the edge of knife on the side in the old man hand inside the bamboo by boxing back mercilessly beat pass by!

On seeing the action that Chen Xiao's shot beats, the facial expression of the old man in the bamboo appeared one silk hard description more of weird!


The action of old man inside the bamboo imitates a Buddha drive emotion infection but slow several cents, drive Chen Xiao Yi the boxing back beat at the on the side of edge of knife up!The long knife in the hand immediately Zhan one Zhan, although his land productivity measures is not small either, the edge of knife wasn't bowl off, Chen Xiao the next action but again has a chain of varieties!

Chen Xiao Ning's body.Shrink a body, sink shoulder, side waist ……

This 1* of his*make to imitate a Buddha is that the easy style of writing is general, original shape outstanding Chen Xiao, does one this is cleverly made of action, imitate a Buddha an excel is cleverly made the achievement for arresting a hand or shrinking a bone of lake superior of river!The body does to thus and manily avoid being seen the action of Ning body for an instant, is a pole highland to the person's strength request!

This 1**make an inside, is exactly the at the beginning old farmland teaches Chen Xiao of that set of blended many boxing methods in of essence, the theest most suitable match Chen Xiao's this kind of strength to fasten the shot that the strong person uses of skill:

Short dozen!

This set of"boxing method" is an old farmland by himself/herself from create out ground, blended the move that the near body in a lot of boxing methods fights shot.Being the most most directly effective is also the theest most dangerous move at the same time!This 1**make in included strong line of distortion ground of a few bodies to avoid being seen variety-because so-called one inch short one inch insurance, think*near enemy, the near body fights shot.Also want to take precautions against enemy's close quarter to beat he or she so at the same time!

But this**make is Wu Xue's old eccentric that lived for several a hundred years the old farmland blended several years of experience creation to come out, a set of avoid being seen action to do out ……

Is old at that time while teaching Chen Xiao the farmland once said:"Novel about swordsmen inside not is have what Ling the waves are tiny to tread, could the other people not beat?I this**make, although don't is so miraculous,beats by dre pro.However generally speaking, as long as you according to 1* of end*make, meticulously and completely do out, don't say the many, be approached the words of body by you, so generally do a son, could not beat you!Particularly met to make the opponent of weapon, this 1**make is also the set that included with bare hands Duo knives road, also had me to compute various moves that the weapons use.The other party regardless returns a side to cut still short sting ……be all computed by me at among them!This, most most essence of is 1* of the end*make!This**make, essential point only 3:The first, *near other party!The second beats medium other party!The third, the other party beats not medium you!"

Indeed as expected.Old headman inside the bamboo the desire anti- hand return to knife at the moment, but Chen Xiao Ning body ground angle but exactly stay away!Even if he wants to take out a knife short sting, but Chen Xiao is it happened that will his the elbow deliver dint of the action sealed to die!

This 1**make is an old farmland hundreds of years Wu Xue experience fusion is many to extremely learn to create out, naturally extraordinary!

And the emotion of the old man in the bamboo seemed to be also to be subjected to what undulate, action again slow several cents ……


Chen Xiao one punch, beat inside the boxing at the on the side of edge of knife, in a flash in the old man hand in the bamboo, although unwillingly grasped edge of knife, Chen Xiao of this is short to move to make.Enemy once being near the body is after.Is a storm, deathless endlessly!

Because Wu Ji.Shot skill in, ability the near enemy's body, short body the near dozen is the dangerous, also rare!Anyones can't indulge an enemy*near he or she's ground nearby the close quarter attack he or she's ground!Is positive the opportunity is rare, so this of design, be once can*near body after, is a chain of relentless successor, the continuously attack shot beats, must storm to rout the other party by a chain of near bodies, make the other party not have the opportunity to return to spirit again!!

Bang!Bang bang bang bang bang bang……

A connect ten several boxings!Chen Xiao imitates a loach of Buddha general, imitate a Buddha to rush toward at the bosom of old headman inside the bamboo, the continuously return twists, body of each time a piece of muscle, each joint's imitating Buddhas is generally all live and act agile and fast fierce!

The old man inside the bamboo sank into a kind of embarrassing situation that can not comprehend!

No matter how he avoid being seen, the knife in the hand is horizontal is a Shu, is to enter or back, this boy imitates Buddhas all already and avoids being seen oneself allly action calculate at among them!

Clearly the other party sticks in oneself's bosom, oneself should quickly back to arrive safety distance outside, but oneself is regardless or so to move forward still the front and back Teng move, but the other parties all imitate a Buddha attach the Ju of bone, imitated a Buddha to become his/her own shadow similar!

And, each time one punch, unbiased, accurately beat on own edge of knife on the side!

No matter how it is, oneself changes knife power, the fists of the other party can use a kind of unimaginable angle to accurately beat in own edge of knife on the side!!

Absolutely ……absolutely seem to see ghost!!

Old headman inside the bamboo although the strength isn't weak either, after all isn't the remarkable talent that the strength fastens with lending several years of self-discipline, unwillingly resisted a burst of, finally is as continuous as a Lei drum at Chen Xiao heavy boxing under, hold not to live a haft any further in hand!


See longly and too the knife imitate a Buddha one handle rule joint generally drive Chen Xiao Di a record a heavy boxing to directly sell at a discount!But Chen Xiao Fan's hand is an elbow shot.Bump at the waist eye in the bamboo up!

The old headman is painful at present a black, stumbled to hereafter fall back two, low voice call way:"Qiu Duo treat!Qiu Duo treat!!"

This Japanese Chen Xiao understood ……

What?Make me wait for a second?

*!While just making a surprise attack me how don't you wait?!

If Chen Xiao Yi elbow shot successful after, comply with the surrounding is an up the bolo, luckily still have several cents inside the old bamboo, way go, spare no effort to stay away, otherwise, drive the words of Chen Xiao this heavy boxing successful, even if is deathless, only afraid was beaten to win chin.The one mouthful tooth also had no.

Finally, the old guy is still Related articles:

