
beats by dre studio ration with some h

The key is that now we must continue to work hard .We found the test method, and then reports to ,should be there . Yuan Futong says quietly .If the news is true ,and two people identified, natural need not bother .
If it is true ,was found two Zhenfa ,determine the situation, Presbyterian nature will respond .relationresultSay, that we continue to work . Tang direct sighed .Although the hearts of some trouble, but Yuan Futong advised this day, Tang straight also adjust psychology ,calm his heart .
relationresultShould not be too impatient .This year I have had found some flirting, no accident, then deduce several times, he should be able to find solutions . Yuan Futong smiled and said Tang straight .
relationresultIntwo Yuan Futong continued in accordance with the method provided by trial method is deduced the possible range ,at two South more than 4000 miles ,star and Ji-day two people just killed a seven order demon wolf ,then in the vicinity of the space in the constant search for what .
relationresultA clue ? Processing the demon wolf bodies ,star pair are searching Ji-day asked .Although his two brothers had little difference ,but in the strength ,toured throughout the years younger brother Ji-day slightly stronger .
And the method about ,also advanced a lot .This action ,Ji-day apparently dominant .relationresult.I to change a place to find . Ji-day completed after the search, the subtle said .
relationresultWell ,we have a rest ,ready to continue . Day star nod ,says quietly .The relic ,is also is the export of trial matrix method ,the two brothers have some understanding ,to find the entrance failed at something ,and don .
relationresultDonworry. Estimation of how long ,deduction has almost the same . Ji-day says quietly .relationresultThen we have to catch some .A few days ago sent a letter from Zhengyang ,said Xuan was destroyed ,I am afraid that Yuan Futong is two person to revenge .
If we be here for too long ,I Jetion sent there will be dangerous . Star said with a frown .relationresultThis time, don those things .A Jetion pie ,dangerous to let him dangerous . Ji-day frown ,some unpleasant said .
relationresultBut Jetion pie I for thousands of years of painstaking effort star some of deep feeling says .relationresultDo you want to know in this land of confusion when a scoundrel hang by a thread ? Ji-day said coldly : ,then you back to the Jetion group ,with the two person to go .
, relationresultI just ... ... Star some momentary words .relationresultWe do now ,is to attack the empty .If successful ,will attain the highest level in one step ,land of confusion in all, we have to abandon .
If it fails ,we can survive hope not, these are not ours .In any case ,set out, Jetion school would have been useless to us ,you still think of what is the use ? Ji-day said coldly : if this time you love ,that you go back .
, relationresultIsee .We go on . The star was changing a ,then said firmly .relationresultThe fourteenth volume of the seventy-fifth chapter of cooperation , relationresultThe fourteenthvolume of the seventy-fifth chapter of cooperation , relationresultThe yuan brothers ,how about this time ? Look at look dignified ,continue to use the gods wish to repeatedly sweep near space Yuan Futong ,Tang straight nervously asked .
Two people for this action ,has been paid a lot of time and energy ,also experienced many failures .This action ,Yuan Futong and performed prior to the failure time was significantly different ,so down straight in looking at the same time, also a little nervous .
relationresultSome of the picture .Entrance should be in the nearby . Yuan Futong nodded ,solemnly said .After such a long time, spent so much ,finally further into the maze entrance lies, Yuan Futong this time mood was some excitement and tension .
Although it is not certain whether this method are of great help to the monks ,but through all the traces ,matrix has no doubt .Thought is the opportunity ,although it is likely that Yuan Futong can ,have small matter .
relationresultIn this neighborhood ?What are we to do? Down straight I breathed a sigh of relief ,then some tension asked .To this two person busy for a long time ,spent a lot of energy ,and to put the revenge .
Come nearly results when Tang straight ,instead some hesitation .relationresultWait a .According to calculating ,matrix entrance appears also need a little time ,we have a rest first ,wait for method entrance appears .
Yuan Futong says quietly .General and the relics ,the trial method not only has a strong prohibition defense ,and it is in vain fugitive .To find the entrance ,in specific time ,specific place to make the layout ,can have the opportunity to find the entrance .
Yuan Futong experienced many deduction ,test ,this time to feel the test method of trajectory ,induction into the matrix entrance generally possible time .relationresultGood .Listen to you .
Down straight nodded ,sitting beside Yuan Futong .The method and the like, Tang direct knowledge is not much, this time also not much help, can only be Yuan Futong .relationresultYuan brother ,you say that is said is true ? After sitting down ,down the straight was silent for a moment ,suddenly asked .
Although the Yuan Futong trust ,do not believe that is true and Kyrgyzstan will unknowingly to deceive ourselves ,but Sirius hill has been no news ,or let down straight to slightly uneasy .
Especially in this close to the answer time, Tang hung up straight is some .relationresultshould be true .I feel the void in presence of strong prohibitions ,law there should be no problem .
Yuan Futong light said .For Tang straight worry ,Yuan Futong is very clear ,even Yuan Tong Fuk deep inside ,also have a similar concern .But compared to the Tang straight ,Yuan Futong responsible for this inference ,search people take some more ,is also more foot some confidence .
relationresultThe law will really have him that opportunity ? Down straight continued .relationresultI don .In my estimation ,and it is two people should also not entirely clear ,they may also be from a number of channels to get information, never really experienced .
Yuan Futong says quietly .relationresultBut when said those dangerous ?He will conceal some ,yin* we deliberately deceived? Down straight some worry asked .relationresultTherepossibility .
But all these to find method after the entrance ,we then deduced, this time who can say . Look at some hesitation of down straight ,Yuan Futong continued : if the risk is too big, I will not bite the bullet die .
This you may rest assured . , relationresultThat is good .I worry about you so involved in it through above ,but turn to do ,beats by dre studio. Tang Zhisong tone, said with a smile .Sirius hill has been given no response, let down straight to the operation with some hesitation .
If this is a trap ,but Yuan Futong because be anxious for success ,fall into it, not only will be the high Tang direct condemnation ,but would lose an important friend ,this is the Tang Dynasty is always do not want to see .
So this time to hear Yuan Futong prepare for two possible alternatives ,Tang straight heart relaxed a lot .relationresultHow can ah Yuan Futong smiled ,suddenly face a stiff ,body flame soares, wrapped up in myself and down straight .
At the same time ,the gold knife flashes ,cut in the void . gong the sound crisp sound ,a one foot long needle is a golden flame reflected the body .relationresultInadvertent needle Related articles:

