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And then stopped ,on the field the ice shavings also dissipates ,you can clearly see the lions cloud the situation now .Dozens of huge ice sword ,inserted in its body ,crystal clear and turbid liquid ,from its wound streamed ,it is blood .
Lion cloud the beast blood and ordinary devil beast ,not red ,because it was full of snow and ice elements ,blood also have snow white .relationresult Ouch ,the lions cloud emitted a shriek, estimates it is finally able to utter, in gazing at the corner of immature egg, it covered with brush full ice sword body ,also fell, in its fall time ,eyes seemed to be full of nostalgia and perseverance ,perhaps because of its children causes ,senior devil beast ,they also have the same feelings of mankind .
relationresultSee the lions cloud the beast like this ,Li Si also seems to have been some of bear, but this is the way the world law of the jungle .The mercenaries killed the devil beast ,also only for them to students is one of the means, and no distinction between right and wrong .
If these mercenaries are not hunted devil beast ,they want to starve to death ,so it is understandable .Like a duck and a kind animal, humans kill them is to survive .relationresultFell to the ground dead lions cloud beast ,systemic slowly produce ice ,thick ice from its body interior node .
In its body within the ice elements, now not in control, so the leak out ,it frozen .Then the lion cloud the beast becomes an ice sculpture as existence, became part of the ice .
relationresultRocky walked to a corner ,picked up the nests of lions cloud beast egg ,go to Li Si . Lee ,little brother ,the egg is yours ,we did not wait until it qualification . , relationresult Rocky captain ,what are you ? Li Si has taken over his eggs .
relationresultt for your help, we would have lost his life ,how can get the lions cloud animal eggs ,so it belongs to you . , relationresultLi Si put the lions cloud animal eggs ,return to the rocky .
Rocky captain ,this egg and you take it ,I don . , relationresultRocky at the lions cloud animal eggs ,with a sigh . Hey ,did not expect the lions cloud beast ,even in the case of lactation ,also have this strength ,our information is not accurate ,but also wasted for two players lost his life .
, relationresult This is the inevitable ,the mercenary group according to you so much damage ,so this egg ,or would you take it . Li Si said .relationresultRocky nodded ,sighed ,also no longer refuse, put the lions cloud the beast egg .
He looked at the ground on two cadavers ,this is his companion ,just still standing together ,laughing and talking ,but now to die .They do this, day found some danger, is the face of the ferocious beast ,to be killed ,had prepared .
For the companion in his eyes to die ,as the old mercenary qualification ,rocky has experienced many times, still cannot avoid to produce feelings of grief .relationresultRocky face of sorrow ,orbital also began to smooth .
Bring them all back ,how many person ,to many people back . , relationresult Captain ! water wizard ,but also filled with sad expression .relationresultRocky sighed , so many years ,or unable to adapt to such scenes, it seems the mercenary in this industry, does not suit me ,after going back ,never doing mercenaries .
, relationresult Rocky captain ,your grief ! Li Si said .relationresult ,I . Rocky waved . What are your plans ,we will be back . , relationresult We have not completed the task, so we must stay .
, relationresultLoki is nodded ,also did not say other . You have to be careful ,take care ! , relationresultTake care. Rocky and the water wizard ,with the two swordsmen bodies ,then walked down the mountain ,the original road back .
relationresult Lee brother ,what shall we do ,if there was no other found ? Standing beside Li Si Ai Luna asked ,her hands ,holding the map ,Ai Luna is watched ,want to find out where the wrong place .
relationresult Our position ,and no wrong ? Li Si asked ,then he took Ai Luna map ,is looking up .relationresult And no wrong ,according to the map instructions ,is over here . Ai Luna ,look at Li si .
relationresultNow ,in two people discuss whether or not the wrong position, change happened .Only a few general black people ,to the mountain .At their side, just leave the roadbed and female master two people ,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre,they are held .
Two black men to the sword ,are placed in the two one .relationresultRocky and female magician ,are constantly dripping blood ,apparently now, they have experienced the battle, apparently ,two of them and not the man in black opponent .
relationresultThe strange man in black appears ,it is in the Vatican City, the man in black .relationresult Ha ha ,you are not wrong ,if nothing else ,the place is here . Leading black leaders laughing .
Far from laughter ,bother Li Si two .relationresultLi Si and Ai Luna look suddenly appeared on a black man ,go into alarm . Who are you? Want to go ? , relationresult We ?Hey ,in fact, you get your hands on the map ,it is belong to us, we are certainly to retrieve ,have what belongs to us .
Black leaders ,with the cold voice .relationresult Berg bishop is you killed ? Ai Luna kept a wary eye on this help the man in black ,with black head words ,they are likely to be the murderer .
relationresultBlack leaders do not taboo . Well ,old Berg interfere, we took the things ,we naturally is to get rid of him, unfortunately ,we can not in his hand ,get this map ,but fell into your hands .
Black dark Yin Xiao a leader . But it doesn matter ,because we have found the place to be ,which is now here ,thanks to you . , relationresultBlack leaders and turn the body, see rocky and the sorceress .
Would you take us to the top ,to find them ,you should rest . At the foot of the mountain when a gang of black ,who discovered the rocky two people ,so we catch them, let them lead the way here .
relationresultThe two held their hands the man in black ,the sword on a rocky and sorceress ,body ,soft to the ground, around their necks ,two deep scratches .relationresult Lee little brother ,take care ! At the last moment ,rocky hard last words ,then closed his eyes .
relationresult Captain of roadbed ! It happened so suddenly ,Li Si could not come to the rescue ,only to see their two people killed .Li Si eyes stared in front of a group of men in black ,his face smooth ,and no other expression, if it is the people who know him ,certainly will know ,this is his anger expression .
relationresultYou too far !Ai Luna scolded ,her face is not bear to look .As a bright sacrifice ,a patient is their duty ,to see the rocky two people died, Ai Luna was not bear .relationresultHey.
You need not worry ,the next turn on you ,ha ha.. although you led us to the destination ,you can still die .Doing some moral ,alas ,I have to do so ,hey.. black princes tone, with cold .
relationresultLi Si waved the parchment . You are the one ?It can have what effect ,let you be willing to take such a big risk ,even murder archbishop ,also want to get it ? , relationresult Hey ,revealed a message to you also never mind ,anyway you also die, and these two unlucky ghost .
Black leaders ,kick the ground ,rocky bodies .relationresult This map ,we find our thing ,an egg ,but that of our race ,something very important . The man in black no said ,in his Related articles:

