
Monster Beats ground for the co

I say that the last fight was leaf Yinzhu prevailed ,as was the counter force ,lute Couture can not be hurt ?This seems to be in violation of energy law !He of course could not know ,leaf Yinzhu body life guard was the key to winning this battle .
relationresultCouture lost . Ming to leaf Yinzhu nodded his head ,eyes of the appreciation of the sg . Can you tell me ,did you finally out of the attack ... ... , relationresultYe Yinzhumaxillary : your guess is correct ,the purple once said to you before ,they are really exist .
However, they are still small . , relationresultMinggasps ,Ye Yinzhu has been confirmed, he was forced to sit up and take notice of the human eyes .Amethyst Beamon ,four mythical beasts ,at this time, he also had more than four mythical beasts in relative weakest golden ban bug .
But two or .Although the human strength seems to is still far from enough ,but he is so young .Such potential ,Ming or first time see ,he is in your own mind ,would produce a feeling of terror .
relationresultNot withthe enemies ,you can dwarves can .Otherwise ,will bring only disaster .Do not say anything else ,only he and Amethyst Beamon the life contract makes himself could not harm him nothing .
relationresultMingdoes not know ,whether leaf Yinzhu or purple ,in force still is far insufficient .relationresultYe Yinzhu Tengbody and rise ,backed by red spirit to form wings stretch, with his body before gliding across the crater ,came to the side ,saw lying on the ground for the couture ,apologetic : feel shy ,destroyed the lute Couture chief weapon .
Only the chief strength beyond my estimate ,please forgive me . , relationresultMingshook his head ,said: you have not hurt him is the dwarves respect .Rutter Couture isn ,perhaps because of the orcs provocation ,makes his mood is a bit out of control ,before he said those words, I apologize to you for him .
Rutez temper is very straightforward, you with real power over him, he will be satisfied . , relationresultAnya always stands in theleaf Yinzhu side in the pit ,there is ,in this side also ,her eyes from the side watching the leaves Yinzhu ,hearts are filled with a variety of different feel .
In his impression, leaf Yinzhu originally only the Milan demons ,one of the students .The original reason for consider him, primarily because of his wonderful music and show potential plus leaf Yinzhu itself gives the feeling .
Later, Anya leaves Yinzhu more attention also because purple reason .She also heard Ye Yinzhu in the Qin City once a repel the orcs ,but she wants to come ,which implies that lucky components .
After all ,she is very familiar with the leaf Yinzhu strength .However, when the game truly present before, Anya to leaf Yinzhu understanding can turn the world upside down changes .
This is only less than a year !In front of the youth power already produce so tremendous change ,even in the forbidden spell hits ,he was still able to win the final victory ,even in combat process flat with singular voice edge to violet level Four Order of the dwarf King lute Couture no defense .
This is how powerful strength ?Although he may not have and compared themselves ,but ,a year later he went from an ordinary student became with violet level against the strong .Then ,give him another year ?It would be like? Ten years ,twenty years later ?In this world, but also has many people contend with him ?relationresultTemperamentelegant Ye Yinzhu in the eyes of Anya body amplified ,Anya suddenly now ,at the moment this smaller for 400 years young, seem to be in the near future ,I will have to protect his power .
She was glad I had the choice ,Monster Beats,at the same time ,the hearts of the leaf Yinzhu understanding also bore a strange change .relationresultMing will Rutezfrom the ground up ,raised his hand in his back on a few, until now ,the lute Couture got the burnt smell out .
relationresultCough ,cough ... ... With a few sound cough, lute Couture slowly from a deep sleep that come ,in the eyes of the red awn disappeared completely ,some confusion at the Ming , I ,I just how it is .
How will fall asleep ? , relationresultMinggot angry at him , you ah !You ah !That .Storm hammer is also able to use casually ?However ,you are lost . , relationresultRutterCouture that awakening ,Ming put him on the ground, he turned towards the leaf Yinzhu and Anya look ,face was red, but fortunately the layer of dense red beard shade ,can not be too embarrassed .
relationresultYou make me sleep ? Rutez looked at the leaf Yinzhu .relationresultLeafYinzhu nodded ,and said: I am a god sound division, spirit Sorcerer branch .My music makes you to sleep .
, relationresultRutterCouture eyes of a dark ,since birth ,he has been the dwarves of genius ,a powerful force that he formed the arrogant disposition ,lost than their younger leaves Yinzhu ,for him is not a small attack .
But it also made him to feel the outside force .The dwarves are a genius ,this is not a bad thing .relationresultI take back what I said you are weak .Would you please forgive me . Dwarves temper is always directly ,right is right ,wrong is wrong .
relationresultThe first set of piano magic ninety-third chapter Megatron dwarf King ( in) , relationresultYe Yinzhu smiled,and said: nothing .I can understand the patriarch mood now .After all, your decision to the dwarves in the future .
, relationresultRutterCouture nodded ,and said: go ,we go back again .I lost the bet will count . , relationresultFourjust wanted to return, only to see five hundred Dwarf Warrior in three Hill dwarf under the leadership is mad rush to see their fathers ,here ,the dwarves could not help is stupefied, quickly surrounded by .
relationresultRutterCouture waved ,not that the Three Hill dwarf asked , from now on ,the leaf Yinzhu brother ,will be we dwarves friend .We go back to clean up the battlefield . , relationresultBack to thedwarves ,atmosphere has become and previously ,leaf Yinzhu by virtue of its strength by the dwarves patriarch lute Couture true recognition .
relationresultLeaf brothers, before you said let us dwarves temporary evictions from here ,in fact ,I also know that your suggestion is correct .However ,the dwarves have been living here for thousands of years ,I really do not want to give up here establish foundation .
More importantly ,in the hills ,there are actually a secret . Rutez muttered .relationresultYe Yinzhu said: the secret ? , relationresultRutterCouture nodded ,said: as everyone knows ,dwarves love two things ,one is the wine ,the other one is casting .
The wine can spend money to buy ,and casting it needs certain conditions to maintain .The first is the metal ore .In the Arctic wilderness ,though no human the prosperity of the world ,but there are enough ore for us to cast .
But in the hills deep underground ,also a condition to be richly endowed by nature .It is to fire a furnace .It is a river of fire .Who do not know how it is formed .But with fire furnace heat ,leads to fire as fundamental to our foundry ,the dwarves is too important .
I don to leave here the fundamental reason . , relationresultLeafYinzhu frowned ,and said: however ,the fire can find, if your people by orcs damage ,or even genocide crisis ,more fire again have what use ? , relationresultRutterCouture sigh ,said: I was wondering .
Before a battle ,although we bet .But also help me resolve key .If I win ,would rather wait here for the orcs .I will always adhere to dwarf the Terran foundation .But I was lost , Related articles:

